index.php comment.php update.php delete.php

Need to make an update to your Comment?

Warning: Undefined array key "guestid" in /home/vande433/public_html/infost440/a6/update.php on line 19

Warning: Undefined array key "comment" in /home/vande433/public_html/infost440/a6/update.php on line 20

Warning: Undefined array key "guestid" in /home/vande433/public_html/infost440/a6/update.php on line 53

Warning: Undefined array key "comment" in /home/vande433/public_html/infost440/a6/update.php on line 54

Warning: Undefined array key "guestid" in /home/vande433/public_html/infost440/a6/update.php on line 63
There was an error with your submission.