This page will be showcasing different types of mathematical operators
Discovering the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle is a very easy way to discover multiple operators at the same time.
I have set the width to 4 and the length to 3
I have set the variable $c to be equal to the square root (using the sqrt function) of the width ($b variable) squared, plus (using the + function) length ($a variable) squared.
Using the property of right triangles, we know that a^2 + b^2 = c^2 with the square root of c^2 being the Hypotenuse of the triangle
The equation looks like this: $c = sqrt(($b ** 2) + ($a ** 2))
And when it is computed, the result is: 5

This second section will be showcasing other mathematical operators not described in the first section
The mathematical operations left are \/ for division, \* for multiplication, \% for finding a remainder, and \- for subtraction
The equation I have crafted will mutiply the difference between 10 and 4 by the quotient of 27 and 3, and then it will be added to the remainder of 21 and 2.
The equation looks like this: $total = (10-4) * (27/3) + (21%2) and the $total is 55