This document will be explaining the difference between constants and variables

Constants and variables function very similatly as they can be assigned a value that can be used and reused without having to type the actual value out.
However, variables can be changed freely within the script, whereas constants, will not, as their name suggests
For this demo I have defined the constants "Planck_Length" and "Planck_Time"and the variable "$PIE"

The Planck Length is theSmallest usable unit of Measurement, and is measured using the Speed of Light, the Planck Constant, and the Gravitational Constant.
Plank time is the smallest usable measure of time and is determined by the time it would take for a single photon travelling at the speed of light to cross a distance equal to one Planck length

Pie can have several meanings, if you\'re in math, it can be the constant used to determine the ratio between any circles circumference and its radius i.e 3.1415

Though since I had only designated pie as a variable instead of a constant, its meaning can be changed. To use the other regular usage or definition of pie you would think of something like a pastry typically imagined as a thin crust lining a circular pan, that is filled with fruit, topped with another layer of crust, and then baked. Usually served in triangular slices.